No Visa for Cringe India Ban World Cup Entry for Influencers

No Visa for Cringe India Ban World Cup Entry for Influencers

Bound by Ban: Pakistani and Indian Fans Unite in Victory over Cringe

In a humorous turn of events, India refuses Visas to notorious influencers

In a turn of events which can only be termed as amusing, India has decided not to issue visas to four notorious influencers, bringing immense joy to the Pakistani populace to learn that these cringe-inducing personalities will not be present in the stands during the ICC World Cup 2023.

The infamous quartet

The four individuals at the center of this controversy are comedian Momin Saqib, YouTuber Ducky Bhai, podcaster Nadir Ali, and UAE-based Indian TikToker ‘Love Khaani,’ who deceptively posed as a Pakistani during the Asia Cup. All of them were denied entry in preparation for the upcoming World Cup in India.

Twitter was engulfed in laughter and celebration as news of their visa refusals spread rapidly. It has been a rare occasion where Indian and Pakistani cricket fans are on the same page.

In a humorous turn of events, India refuses Visas to notorious influencers 

Public response

An ecstatic tweeter burst out, “I cannot fathom why, but Pakistanis seem more rejoiced that these individuals will not accompany their team!” It appears that the pranks of these influencers during Pakistan-India matches have piqued cricket fans for an extended period. An Indian internet user pithily encapsulated the feeling, joking, “We don’t permit extraterrestrials to wander unchecked.”

Despite the renowned and often intense rivalry between India and Pakistan, it appears that both parties concur on one aspect: their mutual aversion for cringe-inducing conduct during vital cricket matches. Let us look at a few more hilarious reactions on social media:

Public response  1

Public response 2

Public response 3

Public response 4

Public response 5

The root of the animosity

The animosity towards these influencers originates from their notorious antics during Pakistan-India matches. Momin Saqib, Nadir Ali, and Ducky Bhai have all been in the news for their questionable actions and embarrassing responses that often detract from the sport.

Conversely, ‘Love Khaani’ gained infamy for posing as a Pakistani girl who enthusiastically supported India and Virat Kohli, causing doubts about propaganda and igniting controversy over divided loyalties.

The silver lining

The exclusion of these individuals from the upcoming ICC World Cup has united fans from both countries in shared joy. Although cricket rivalries will always be intense on the field, it seems that all agree that embarrassing antics are best kept off the pitch.

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